Registering a VHF, EPIRB or PLB...
If you are considering a new VHF, EPIRB or PLB and are confused about licenses, registration or qualifications required then here are some pointers...

Handheld VHF
Qualification required : The Marine Radio Short Range Certificate It is obtained by successfully completing an SRC course and exam conducted at an RYA Recognised Training Centre.
Link to RYA page on VHF courses here.
License: Ship Portable radio license available from Ofcom
Link to OFCOM website where you can register radios here.

DSC Handheld VHF
Qualification required : The Marine Radio Short Range Certificate It is obtained by successfully completing an SRC course and exam conducted at an RYA Recognised Training Centre.
Link to page on RYA VHF training courses here
License: Ship Portable radio license available from Ofcom
MMSI no: A Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI) number is now issued to all new Ship Radio and Ship Portable Radio Licences
Link to OFCOM website where you can register radios here.

Fixed VHF
Qualification required : The Marine Radio Short Range Certificate It is obtained by successfully completing an SRC course and exam conducted at an RYA Recognised Training Centre.
Link to RYA VHF training courses here.
License: Ship radio license available from Ofcom
MMSI no: A Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI) number is now issued to all new Ship Radio and Ship Portable Radio Licences
Link to OFCOM website where you can register radios here.

PLB (Personal locator beacon) & EPIRBS (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon)
All PLBs and EPIRBs must be registered with the Maritime & Coastguard Agency.
PLBs & EPIRB have a unique 15 digit hexadecimal number referred to as a UIN number or a HEX ID. You will need this number along with the serial no, manufacturer and model number in order to register the Beacon.
EPIRBS are registered to a vessel so you will need to also give details of the vessel including the MMSI number, and call sign.
Link to UK website to download registration form here.