Anchor Chain, Leaded Anchor Lines & Accessories
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Force 4 Chandlery keeps galvanised calibrated anchor chain suitable for most windlass gypsies, that can be used as part of anchor rode when coupled with a 3 strand rope or a multiplait/octoplait rope. There is also the slightly more lightweight option for smaller boats and personal watercraft in leaded or weighted anchor lines, rope with a weighted core.
Lengths of chain can be cut to order, in metre increments in the following sizes: 6mm; 8mm; 10mm and 12mm. Alternatively chain can be ordered in 30 metre lengths in sizes: 6mm; 8mm and 10mm.
We also have a good choice of accessories to as a means of attaching your chosen anchor chain to your anchor in the form of anchor swivels and connectors. Other accessories include chain hooks, anchor chain markers, anchor snubbers, chain links and more.